Updates from February 17th to the 23rd
- HB 1537 which adds bias crimes to state law, including data collection and law enforcement training.
We attended the second hearing on Tuesday February 14, 2023 at 10am where more supporters were heard by the committee.
Overall 40 people gave strong, real-life testimony in favor of this bill. No one testified against it.
- SB 2203 Relates to social work licensure.
We attended this hearing on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 9:30 am.
This bill aims to create other options for licensure besides the national exam. The exam was found to be discriminatory to certain groups of people.

WINS FOR NDNV include:
- HB 1531 Relates to prohibiting institutions of higher education from waiving education fees which include application fees, tuition waivers, and scholarships based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual “preference.”
Earlier this week during the education committee discussions, supporters of the bill tried to prevent public colleges and universities from offering any financial aid to students throughout the state.
On Feb. 14 the ND House of Representatives defeated the bill with a 32 to 59 vote.
House Reps whose districts include reservations, who voted YES on HB 1531 include: Henderson (Dist. 9, includes TM), Frelich & Johnson (Dist. 15, includes SLN), Holle & Rohr (Dist. 31, includes SR).
NDNV would like to thank the representatives who voted NO on HB 1531. Rep. Finley-DeVille (Dist. 4A, MHA), Fegley (Dist. 4B, MHA), Davis (Dist. 9A-TM), Mitskog & Schreiber -Beck (Dist. 25 -SWO)
- HB 1536 relates to Indian Child Welfare.
This bill was recommended a do pass with 14-0 vote
Rep. Jayme Davis is leading the effort for a state ICWA. Contact your legislators to support 1536.
- HB 1491 Relates to providing grants for school lunches.
HB 1491 passed House Appropriations 22-0. Now it will go to the full house, we will keep you updated as this moves along.
NDNV call to action:
- HB 1371
This bill is an attempt to bring in Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). These animal factories have brought pollution, stench, and economic decline to South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and other states.
Governor Burgum and big ag interests are pushing to open North Dakota animal agriculture to corporations – blowing a big hole in the state’s popular anti-corporate farming law.
NDNV testified about how this would impact fee patents and reduce the diversity of local producers.
Please contact your House representatives to vote no on House Bill 1371.
Link to contact your legislator.
To find what district you reside in: Here is a link to a district map.